Research, Analysis & Education
_____________Dr. Daniel Knapp delivers energy savings analysis for Savings By Design Workshop
Integrated Design Process
The integrated design process breaks down the silos of expertise and brings them together in an environment that allows freethinking and design input from all parties. The interactive and integrated environment brings forth design approaches that improve the performance of the building, while identifying synergies and avoided costs that reduce the project first-costs. Energy performance is assessed in real time to guide the team towards the cost-performance optimized model.
Arborus facilitates and brings our in-house experts in areas of energy modeling, HVAC design, renewable energy, controls and commissioning to our IDP processes. Our partners in Building Science round out our IDP team of Subject Matter Experts.
Energy Modeling
Arborus is one of Canada’s leading building performance and energy modelling experts. Our energy modeling portfolio includes over 700 energy simulations. Arborus specializes in high performance building and is actively developing new modelling tools which incorporate optimization into the early stages of the design process in order to help the design team achieve the highest levels of performance at the lowest possible cost.
Arborus has created hundreds of energy models for new and existing buildings,
- Integrated design charrettes with real-time energy modelling,
- Energy modelling research in support of the development of upgrades to the National Energy Code for Buildings (NECB),
- Technical assistance to other energy modellers across the country, and provided energy model reviews for the US Green Building Certification Institute (GBCI), and a variety of government and utility programs.
The firm’s reputation for senior-level expertise, quality work, and management has been recognized by organizations such as the Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC), Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), the National Research Council of Canada (NRC), and Public Works & Government Services Canada (PWGSC), who have directly solicited services from Arborus.
“We are expert users of eQUEST/CAN-QUEST and EE4, BeOPT and other optimization tools, with further expertise in the more advanced EnergyPlus-based tools such as OpenStudio and DesignBuilder.”
Using our energy modeling tools and commissioning experience, we bring practical approaches with a focus on the “Fundamentals”; thermal properties of the building envelope, efficient systems design and control strategies. Our design engineering and building science expertise compliments our energy analysis skills in developing practical energy efficient solutions for the built environment.
Third-party verification of energy models for LEED application under the Green Building Certification Institute, Efficiency Nova Scotia and New Brunswick Commercial Building Programs, Natural Resources Canada ecoENERGY New Building program.
Savings By Design Program
Arborus is contracted by Sustainable Buildings Canada to deliver the Savings By Design and Affordable Housing New Construction Integrated Design workshops to developers in eastern Ontario. The workshops include a visioning session and full day workshop (charrette) designed to assist the developer and designers in achieving performance of better than the OBC 2012. Prior to the workshop, we prepare an energy model to set the baseline case for which to compare a series of energy efficiency measures.
Technical Research
Natural Resources Canada
Under current Standing Offers, Arborus has been awarded a number of assignments, including modeling of different heat recovery technologies, service water heating, envelope upgrades across multiple building types in all climate regions of Canada, research and testing of Simplified Modeling Tools against the results from the CAN-QUEST simulation software, and the development of Major Energy Retrofit Guides as described below.
National Research Council
The NRC has engaged Arborus to carry out a variety of energy model based research, including cost-benefit analysis for proposed NECB upgrades, market research on the major heat recovery technologies and modeled their effectiveness in NECB archetype buildings.
Canadian Border Services Agency
Energy efficiency and renewable energy opportunity assessment for border crossing facilities.
Ontario Ministry of Energy – Study to identify economic and regulatory barriers for the large-scale deployment of residential solar hot water systems (with Marbek Resource Consultants)
Industry Canada – “Addressing the Barriers Facing Large Scale Deployment of Photovoltaics as a Distributed Energy Source in Canada” – Technical advisors for this national report (with The Delphi Group).
University of Ottawa – Technology Study: Power Spar solar thermal-PV system
Deline Dene Band Council – Deline, NT. – Feasibility study for a community owned power-generating facility (Hybrid system using wind & diesel generation supplemented with a district heating system).
Addressing the Barriers Facing Large Scale Deployment of Photovoltaics as a Distributed Energy Source in Canada” – Technical advisors for an Industry Canada report (with The Delphi Group).
City of Ottawa – Technology Due Diligence Study: Atmospheric Energy System
Parks Canada – LEED Platinum & Living Building Challenge comparative analysis
Ste. Anne de Prescott Economic Development – Community scale biological digester and green power generation feasibility study
Research & Publication
Major Energy Retrofit Guides
Office of Energy commissioned Arborus to produce Guidebooks for the major retrofit of seven building types. Energy Conservation Measures (ECM) were researched, analyzed for their cost and benefit. Measures were developed for retro-commissioning, envelope, lighting, supplemental loads, ventilation, heating & cooling, service water heating. Building types include commercial office, K-12 schools, non-food retail, hospitals, supermarkets, food stores and hotels. Energy performance analysis was completed to estimate the benefits of ECMs across multiple climate zones.
CAN-QUEST Modelling Guide
Arborus updated the latest issue of the Guide, verifying functionality and guidance documentation.
Standard Operating Procedures
Arborus has prepared Standard Operating Procedures for 11 federal government buildings. SOPs provide building operators with comprehensive configuration and operational records for HVAC systems.
Low Carbon Building Heating Solutions, Conference Paper, International Institute for the Sustainable Built Environment (iiSBE), 2016
Carried out as a self-funded research project, Arborus determined the design strategies to lower energy demand for buildings in a heating dominated climate. Our research has shown how you can reduce the heating demand by almost 60% and use off-peak electricity in Ontario and achieve a 90% reduction in greenhouse gases.
Facilitation & Education
Facilitation for Integrated Design Process
The integrated design process breaks down the silos of expertise and brings them together in an environment that allows freethinking and design input from all parties. The interactive and integrated environment brings forth design approaches that improve the performance of the building, while identifying synergies and avoided costs that reduce the project first-costs. Arborus facilitates and brings experts in areas of energy modeling, HVAC design, renewable energy, controls and commissioning.
Savings By Design Program – Arborus is contracted by Sustainable Buildings Canada to deliver the Savings By Design Integrated Design workshops to developers in eastern Ontario. The workshops include a visioning session and full day Charrette designed to assist the developer and designers in achieving a minimum performance of 25%v better than the OBC 2012. Prior to the Charrette, we prepare an energy model to set the baseline case for which to compare a series of energy efficiency measures.
Green Building Workshop Delivery
Our staff has delivered Canada Green Building Council education workshops since 2007. We were instrumental in the development of the LEED Canada for Existing Buildings program and the lead facilitator for the pilot phase of this rating system. Robin Hutcheson delivered all of the LEED-EB:OM workshops in eastern Canada and contributed to the reference guide development and remains part of CaGBC’s faculty.
Education Course Development
Arborus developed the course, study and examination material for the Alberta Safety Codes Council in their adoption of the National Energy Code for Buildings (NECB 2011) and the National Building Code 9.36 (housing and small buildings). The program included a reference guide and on-line instruction and examination for both codes. The course is available to code review officers and design professionals.
Arborus is contracted by Sustainable Buildings Canada to deliver the Savings By Design Integrated Design workshops to developers in eastern Ontario.