Jul 4, 2016 | Efficiency, Energy Modelling, Integrated Design, Performance Engineering
As a building energy modeller, it can be difficult to know what combination of building upgrades to recommend for a particular building. Building performance optimization is a new method that helps modellers select a package of upgrades from a plethora of options....
Jun 15, 2016 | Energy Modelling, Integrated Design, Low Carbon Buildings
As noted previously, Arborus has been researching low carbon space heating strategies for the Ontario building market, and will soon present a white paper on the subject at the SBE 2016 Conference in Toronto on September 19th and 20th of this year. Arborus’ low carbon...
May 1, 2016 | Low Carbon Buildings
News broke this week that “the Ontario government plans to make the majority of the province’s buildings emissions-free by 2050 as part of a dramatic plan to meet its climate change goals.” The current version of the Ontario Building Code (OBC) has an energy...
Mar 7, 2016 | Energy Modelling
We recently encountered some head-scratching results in an energy analysis of an existing office building in downtown Ottawa. This is an old building with out-of-date, metal-framed, leaky windows and we wanted to know what would happen if we replaced the old windows...
Sep 8, 2015 | Efficiency, Performance Engineering
Adding insulation to building walls and roofs is a simple and straightforward energy saving strategy. By resisting the flow of heat through the building envelope, insulation keeps buildings comfortable while reducing the energy required for heating and cooling....