Jul 13, 2017 | Comfort and Productivity, Efficiency, Green Building, Integrated Design, Renewables
On Tuesday, Sustainable Buildings Canada hosted an integrated design workshop on Energiesprong at Algonquin College. Energiesprong is a program that was started in the Netherlands to refurbish homes to make them more comfortable and dramatically more energy efficient....
Nov 23, 2016 | Comfort and Productivity, Commissioning, Efficiency, Performance Engineering
Does this sound familiar? “It’s way too hot on the second floor”. “The back corner of the board room is freezing”. “The air is stale in room 215”. If you are a building owner or property manager you may have heard these complaints after tenants move into a new...
Oct 5, 2016 | Comfort and Productivity
In an office setting, increasing occupant comfort can provide a significant increase in occupant performance. Below is a list of six things that can be done to improve comfort and productivity in an office building. Have a comfortable air temperature. Usually this...
Jan 16, 2013 | Comfort and Productivity, Efficiency, Green Building
In 2012, the Ontario Building Code (OBC) increased minimum building energy efficiency requirements through the revision of Supplement SB-10, bringing renewed focus to continuous insulation and thermal bridging in building constructions. Balconies are an...