Algonquin College “Renaissance Square” Campus Certified LEED Gold®!
Project description Located in Pembroke, Ontario, the Algonquin College Pembroke Renaissance Campus is a 9000 square metre (100,000 square foot) four-storey educational facility, complete with a central common area, offices, and multipurpose rooms, classrooms,...
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How Will Climate Change Affect Future Energy Use in Buildings?
If you are a building owner, developer, or architect, you might wonder, “How will climate change affect my building’s energy consumption, and is there anything I need to do about it?” Thankfully, there is a tool that can help answer this question. CCWorldWeatherGen...
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RCMP Prince Albert Detachment Achieves LEED® Silver
Project Description Located in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, the RCMP Prince Albert Detachment is a 1,430 square metre (15,400 square feet) single-storey police station which serves as a centre for policing in the area as well as a hub of support to Northern Police...
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Energiesprong comes to Ottawa
On Tuesday, Sustainable Buildings Canada hosted an integrated design workshop on Energiesprong at Algonquin College. Energiesprong is a program that was started in the Netherlands to refurbish homes to make them more comfortable and dramatically more energy efficient....
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Three futuristic window technologies
It is much harder to insulate a window than it is to insulate a wall. In the summertime, windows can also absorb and trap excess heat from the sun, leading to higher cooling loads. But people like to see outside (go figure!) so, as much as an HVAC designer might want...
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Optimizing heat recovery on exhaust air
This past spring, Daniel Knapp headed out from our office to McMaster University to make a presentation to the Canadian simulation community on the results of a study on the cost effectiveness of exhaust air heat recovery technologies. The study was carried out using...
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What commissioning can do for your building
Does this sound familiar? “It’s way too hot on the second floor”. “The back corner of the board room is freezing”. “The air is stale in room 215”. If you are a building owner or property manager you may have heard these complaints after tenants move into a new...
read moreUpcoming changes to Ontario’s Building Code
Ontario will soon release an updated version of its supplementary energy standard for buildings, SB-10 2017, under the Ontario Building Code. This new energy code will come into force on January 1, 2017 and is designed to provide 13% better energy performance than the...
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Six things you can do to make your office more comfortable and productive.
In an office setting, increasing occupant comfort can provide a significant increase in occupant performance. Below is a list of six things that can be done to improve comfort and productivity in an office building. Have a comfortable air temperature. Usually this...
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Solar air heating
Solar air heating can provide air temperatures up to 20-55 ˚C above ambient temperatures. This impressive ability to capture free energy reduces heating costs and reduces carbon emissions. So why don’t we all have one on our house, apartment building, or commercial...
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