Jun 15, 2016 | Energy Modelling, Integrated Design, Low Carbon Buildings
As noted previously, Arborus has been researching low carbon space heating strategies for the Ontario building market, and will soon present a white paper on the subject at the SBE 2016 Conference in Toronto on September 19th and 20th of this year. Arborus’ low carbon...
Mar 7, 2016 | Energy Modelling
We recently encountered some head-scratching results in an energy analysis of an existing office building in downtown Ottawa. This is an old building with out-of-date, metal-framed, leaky windows and we wanted to know what would happen if we replaced the old windows...
Jun 24, 2014 | Efficiency, Energy Modelling, Integrated Design, Low Carbon Buildings
This post was written by guest blogger Stephen F Pope, OAA, FRAIC of S.F. Pope Sustainability Consulting. Stephen has extensive experience working in Design Charrettes and has recently been working with Arborus in delivering Design Charrettes for Enbridge Gas...
May 30, 2014 | Energy Modelling, Updates
eSim is a biennial conference for building performance simulation put on by the Canadian chapter of the International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA). This year we were fortunate to have the conference hosted in our home town of Ottawa by...
Jan 3, 2014 | Efficiency, Energy Modelling, Low Carbon Buildings
The 2012 Ontario Building Code came into effect on January 1, 2014. Included in the new Code is an updated version of Supplementary Standard SB-10 (available only in hard copy), which contains requirements for building energy efficiency, CO2 emissions, and peak...
Sep 30, 2013 | Efficiency, Energy Modelling, Integrated Design, Performance Engineering
Using energy modeling can help provide insight and identify energy saving opportunities in the building design process. However, not all energy models are created equal. It is very important to identify the objectives of the energy model and understand its...