Jul 13, 2017 | Comfort and Productivity, Efficiency, Green Building, Integrated Design, Renewables
On Tuesday, Sustainable Buildings Canada hosted an integrated design workshop on Energiesprong at Algonquin College. Energiesprong is a program that was started in the Netherlands to refurbish homes to make them more comfortable and dramatically more energy efficient....
Nov 18, 2013 | Efficiency
ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, a benchmarking tool developed by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), has grown to become an industry standard. Developed in 2000 as an online tool for tracking water and energy consumption, Portfolio Manager now includes...
Oct 19, 2013 | Commissioning, Efficiency, Performance Engineering
Packaged rooftop units (RTUs) are one of the most common HVAC systems in use today, serving over 60% of the commercial building floor area in the US. These systems deliver heating and cooling to a space using constant-speed supply fans and provide outdoor air at a...